Inscription ID IN00091
Title Jabalpur Charter of Hastin, year 170
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Parent Object OB00083
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Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch Hastin
Min 490
Max 491
Comment Intrinsic Date: 170 phālguna 5, mahājyaiṣṭha saṃvatsara (era: Gupta). Basis of dating: intrinsic.
Letter size ~0.6
Description northern class, eastern Gupta, different from IN00079
Width 20
Height 11
Description Dimensions estimated from plate size. Letter size is also an estimate, no figure is reported. 13 lines on the first plate, 11 on the second plus a seal impression.
Decoration There is a seal impression near the bottom of the second plate, about one quarter of the length of the plate from the left margin. The seal is oval in shape and consists of a short legend (see edition), upside down in relation to the main text. It is impressed over a horizontal line near the bottom margin, extending from near the left edge from near the right edge except where obliterated by the seal. This may be an incised line or perhaps the thickening at the edge of the plate is wider here and has a sharp, stepped edge.
References First reported by Muni Kantisagar (with tentative transcript by Pandey) in the Hindi monthly Jñānodaya (Kāśī) for November 1951, pp. 357-365 (publication not checked). First edited in Pandey 1949-50. Summarised in Trivedi 2001: 44 (No. 3).
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