Bibliographic information

First mentioned in Thomas 1850: 12n4. Noticed (by Thomas), with translation (combined with IN00077) by H. H. Wilson, in Prinsep 1858: 251-252. First edited in Hall 1861a. Hall’s translation reprinted in ASIR 09: 11-12 (No. 2), with eye copy of the passage containing the date (plate IV/2). Re-edited in Fleet 1888. Summarised in Trivedi 2001: 43 (No. 2). Discussed in Fleet 1891: 377-378. Recorded in ARIE 1957-58: 19, no. 58, App. A and ARIE 1960-61: no. 46, App. A.

Inscription Concordance

Thomas (1850) 12n4

Prinsep (1858) 251-252

Hall (1861a) 1-13

ASIR 09 (1879) 11-12, no. 2

Fleet (1888) 100-105, no. 22

Fleet (1891) 377-378

Bhandarkar (1929) 175, no. 1285

ARIE (1957-58) 19, no. 58, App. A

ARIE (1960-61) no. 46, App. A

Trivedi (2001) 43, no. 2