Inscription ID IN00056
Title Damodarpur Charter of Xgupta
Alternative titles
Parent Object OB00051
Related Inscriptions IN00026 IN00028 IN00044 IN00046
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch ?
Min 543
Max 545
Comment Intrinsic Date: 224 bhādrapada 5 (era: Gupta). Basis of dating: intrinsic.
Letter size
Description northern class, eastern Gupta
Width 15
Height 8.5
Description Inscribed on both sides of the plate. Campus size (for the recto face) estimated from photo.
Decoration None.
References First noticed and edited in Basak 1919-20: 141-145. Date corrected in Dikshit 1923-24. Discussed in Basak 1925.
Add to bibliography B. Upadhyaya, SAII. pt. II, pp. 80-82; Jagan Nath in Journal of Indian History, vol. XXI (1942), pp. 167-68. Ruler's name read as Kumāragupta by Krishna Sastri, EI 17 p. 193n1 [?].
Misc notes

This is Basak 1919-20’s Damodarpur Plate No. 5. IN00026, IN00028, IN00044 and IN00046 are similar charters with the same provenance.