Inscription ID IN00048
Title Bihar Sharif Pillar Inscription 2
Alternative titles
Parent Object OB00043
Related Inscriptions IN00047
Author Dániel Balogh
Print edition recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Edition improved by Dániel Balogh
Authority for Own research.
Metadata recorded by Dániel Balogh
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Language संस्कृतम्
Reigning monarch ?
Min 468
Max 499
Comment Basis of dating: later than Skandagupta, but only by one generation; possibly of Budhagupta.
Letter size 1-1.6
Description northern class
Width 27
Height 60
Description The inscription is on the octagonal section; this second inscription is below the first, separated by a double horizontal line extending from the left edge of the extant portion to the right margin of the present inscription. The inscription occupies only three of the faces covered by the first inscription. An unknown number of lines are lost at the end. Dimensions are estimated on the basis of the drawing of the pillar and the dimensions of the two inscriptions (IN00047 and IN00048) which together measure 40 by 104 cm.
Decoration None.
References First reported in Ravenshaw 1839. Published (with reading and eye copy) in Mitra 1866. Discussed (with new eye copy) in ASIR 01: 37-38. Edited in Fleet 1888. Corrections proposed in Majumdar 1943-44. Discussed in Goyal 1980. Majumdar and Altekar ascribe this inscription to a certain successor of Pūrugupta (Majumdar Altekar 1954: 442, no. 42). See also Ḳuraishī 1931: 56-57 and ARIE 1960-61: no. 195, App. B.
Add to bibliography B. Upadhyaya, SAII. pt. II, pp. 72-74; Jagannath, Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, 20 (Sept. 1970), pp. 44-47.
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