Fleet, John F., Inscriptions of the Early Guptas (Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, vol. 3) (Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publications Branch, 1888): 50-52. Bhandarkar, Devadatta Ramakrishna, Bahadur Chand Chhabra, and Govind Swamirao Gai., Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings (New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India, 1981): 348-350.

1) …………the very moon among men—equal in prowess to (the god Viṣṇu) the younger brother of Indra—unequalled in respect of virtuous qualities; …………

2) ………… moreover, his son guided by Svāmin (Kārttikeya) on the earth­— renowned—……… by his own fame.

3) …………whose sister, indeed, [was espoused] by Kumāragupta, of unequalled prowess.

4) …………both the deceased ancestors and the gods, with the oblations proper for each of them—…………always …………things such as wickedness, etc.

5) ………… caused to be made a group of temples, not [rivalled by] anything else that could be compared with it in the world.

6) …………assuredly in [Skandaguptabaṭa] which is beautiful with the erection of (this) best of columns.

7) …………of the trees ……… the groups of fig-trees and castor oil plants, the tops of which are bent down by the weight of (their) flowers.

8) ………… in consequence of Bhadrāryā, the edifice shines freed from (dirt) like a fresh cloud or serpent slough.

9) ………… headed by (the god) Skanda, and by the divine Mothers, on earth, ……… mankind ………

10-11) …………[he] made, indeed, the erection of (this) sacrificial post (for) Bhadrāryā and others ……… in [the village (?) called] Skandaguptabaṭa 30 (?), (and) 5 shares …………

12) …………if there be any misdeed on the part of (his) father (or) his mother, let his share …………

13) …………in the agrahāra of ………… 3 shares ………… by Anantasena …………

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