File:Buddha inscription of Kumaragupta in Gupta Era 154.jpg

Sārnāth (Uttar Pradesh). Standing Buddha dated year 154 with estampage drawn from ASIAR 1915-15 (Wikicommons).

Bibliographic information

First reported by Hargreaves (with plate of the image, and transliterated text by Y. R. Gupte) in ARASI 1914-15: 124. See also Agrawal 1940: 60, ARIE 1959-60: 135, no. 595, App. C and Pandey 1962: 103-104.

Inscription Concordance

ARASI (1914-15) 124

Bhandarkar (1929) 174, no. 1281

Agrawal (1940) 60

ARIE (1959-60) 135, no. 595, App. C

Pandey (1962) 103-104

Sircar (1965) (vol. 1) 328-329, bk. III, no. 31

Bhandarkar (1981) 321-322, no. 34

Agrawala (1983) no. 46

Goyal (1993) 169-170

Tsukamoto (1996) IV. Sārnāth 199