Dhruvasena I grant to Brāhmaṇas of the year 207 (from Ganesgad)

Dhruvasena I grant to Brāhmaṇas of the year 207 (from Ganesgad)

IN00606  Dhruvasena I grant to Brāhmaṇas of the year 207 (from Ganesgad)


Hultzsch E., Epigraphia Indica III, p.318-323


(Line 1.) Oṃ. Hail! From Valabhī.

(In the race) of the Maitrakas, who prostrated (their) enemies by force, (was born) the devout worshipper of Maheśvara, the glorious general (senāpati) Bhaṭārka, who obtained splendour in hundreds of battles, fought with a vast crowd of enemies of unequalled strength; who gained the devotion of those whom he had prostrated by (his) splendour, through (his) impartiality (in conferring) presents and honours; (and) who acquired the glory of royalty by the strength of a devoted body of hereditary servants, hired soldiers, and friends.

(L.3.) His son (was) the devout worshipper of Maheśvara, the general Dharasena, whose bent head became purified as it was reddened by the dust of the feet of (his father); the splendour of whose toe-nails blended with the lustre of the crest-jewels on the bent heads of (his) enemies; (and) whose wealth was being lived upon by distressed and helpless people.

(L. 5.) His younger brother (was) the devout worshipper of Maheśvara, the Mahārāja Droṇasiṃha, whose spotless crest-jewel was (still more) purified (by his prostrations) at the feet of (his elder brother); who was by nature addicted to the performance of the duties prescribed by Manu and other (law-givers); who, like Dharmarāja (i.e. Yudhiṣṭira), pointed out the path of the rules of good conduct; the ceremony of whose anointment to the royalty was performed by His Majesty (paramasvāmin), the lord of the vast circle of the whole world, in person; (and) who purified (his) royal glory by liberality.

(L.8.) His younger brother, the devout worshipper of Bhagavat, the Mahāsāmanta (and) Mahārāja Dhruvasena, – who meditated on the feet of His Majesty (paramabhaṭṭāraka); who, like a lion, defeated alone, by the strength of his own arm, hosts of troops of enemies (who resembled) elephants; who was the refuge of those seeking refuge who knew the true meaning of the Śāstras; (and) who, like the kalpa tree, conferred the enjoyment of the rewards according to (their) desires on friends and favourites, – being in good health, issues (the following) command to all the Āyuktakas, Viniyuktakas, Drāṅgikas, Mahattaras, Dhruvas, Sthānādhikaraṇīkas, Dāṇḍapāśikas, irregular and regular soldiers, and so forth: –

(L.12.) “Be it known to you that, in order to increase the religious merit of (my) mother and father, and in order to obtain myself the desired reward in this and in the next (world), (I) have given, – to last as long as the moon, the sun, the sea and the earth, (and) for the same time as the rivers and the mountains, to be enjoyed by (the donee’s) sons, grandsons and (further) descendants, free of taxes (in the shape) of gifts and taxes (in the shape) of forced labour, according to the maxim of bhūmicchidra, with libation of water, as a brahmadāya, – in the village of Hariyānaka, which belongs to Akṣasarakaprāpa, (a subdivision) of the Hastavaprāharaṇī (district), four khaṇḍas of cultivated land at the north-western boundary (and) four khaṇḍas of which (are contained) three hundred pādāvartas, – (in figures) pā 300, – (and) at the north-western boundary of the same village a double cistern (yamalavāpī), forty pādāvartas in area, (and) a second cistern, twenty pādāvartas in area,- thus in the same (village) altogether three hundred and sixty pādāvartas, – to the Brāhmaṇa Dhammila, who resides in the same (village), belongs to the Darbha gotra, (and) studies the Vājasaneya (śākhā).

(L. 19.) “Wherefore, nobody should create even a small obstruction or objection to (the donee) while he enjoys (the granted land) according to the rules relating to brahmadeyas, cultivates (it), causes (it) to be cultivated, and assigns (it to others).

(L.21.) “And future gracious kings born of our lineage, knowing the reward of a gift of land to be common (to all kings), should approve of this our gift.

(L.22.) “And who may confiscate (this grant) or approve of its confiscation, he shall be guilty of the five sins together with the minor sins.

(L.23.) “And with reference to this (subject) there are (the following) verses composed by Vyāsa: -”

[Four of the customary verses.]

(L.27.) (This is) the own signature of me, the Mahāsāmanta (and) Mahārāja Dhruvasena. The Dūtaka (is) the door-keeper (pratīhāra) Mammaka. (This edict was) written by Kikkaka. The year 200 (and) 7; (the month) Vaiśākha; the dark (fortnight); (the tithi) 10 (and) 5.

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