This set of four plates was first published in June 1954 after it was sent to the office of the Government Epigraphists for India by Shri M. Somasekhara Sarma of Madras. The location of its discovery is not known.

The charter records the donation of the village of Dhārikāṭūra as an agrahāra by Achaṇḍavarman who is refered to by the title Yuvamahārāja which Sircar translates as ‘crown prince’. The donated village was given to two Brāhmaṇa brothers Bhavaskandaśamārya and Bhartṛiśarmārya who belonged to the Bhemāṇa-Kāśyapa and resided in Donṇṇampi.

The charter was issued from Vēṅgīpura, which has been identified as the modern village of Pedavegi, on the 3rd day of the 6th fortnight of the rainy season in the 35th year. The year of the issue probably refers to the reign period of an unnamed king if we follow Sircar’s argument that Achaṇḍavarman was a crown prince.

in preparation
in preparation