INIG1342c Sakarra Inscription of VS 1342c
INIG1342c Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Purport not given.
INIG1342b Sakarra Inscription of VS 1342b
INIG1342b Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 8 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions Rāmadeva.
INIG1341a Sakarra Inscription of VS 1341a
INIG1341a Jyaiṣṭha śudi 4 śanivāra Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 11 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions the name Rāmadeva.
INIG1304g Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304g
INIG1304g Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Not legible.
INIG1304f Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304f
INIG1304f Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 5 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Not legible.
INIG1304e Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304e
INIG1304e śravaṇa badi 6 Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Purport not given.
INIG1304d Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304d
INIG1304d śravaṇa badi 6 maṅgalavāra Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions the name Kuṁvarsiṁha.
INIG1282c Sakarra Inscription of VS 1282c
INIG1282c Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 2 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Only the date can be deciphered.
INIG1281b Sakarra Inscription of VS 1281b
INIG1281b Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 2 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Not decipherable.
INIG1281a Sakarra Inscription of VS 1281a
INIG1281a Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 2 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Only the date is legible.