Tāḷagunda Pillar of Śāntivarman
Maḷavaḷḷi Pillar of a Kadamba King

Ancient Karṇāṭaka showing find-spots of Kadamba inscriptions. (Zenodo © Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science)
Charchoma Inscribed Pillar
A supporting pillar of dark stone with splashes of colour, polished to a sheen. The height figure given here is an estimate. The pillar is square in cross-section to a height of about 150 cm from floor level, then octagonal for about 70 cm, ending in a fluted square capital. On the inscribed face, the top of the square section is occupied by the upper part of a lotus medallion, which is slightly more than half of a full circle. It is cut off horizontally at the bottom, and the inscriptions are below this point, No. IN00221 first and No. IN00222 immediately below. The cross-section of the upper part is octagonal and decorated with floral and geometric motifs.