OBBG00029 Bodhgayā sanctum stone image of Buddha in bhūmisparśa mudrā

OBBG00029. Bodhgayā, Bihār. Sanctum image of Buddha in bhūmisparśa mudrā in the Mahābodhi temple. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
Bodhgayā epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
June 5, 2020
INBG00029 Bodhgaya pithipati inscription on the pedestal of the sanctum image of the Mahabodhi temple
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Inscription of pīṭhīpati ācārya Jayasena (INBG00029) on the pedestal of the sanctum image of the Mahābodhi temple (OBBG00029). Edition here that of Balogh (2020), see Concordance for bibliographic data.
Bodhgayā epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
June 5, 2020