INIG1350a Surwāyā Inscription of VS 1350a
INIG1350a kārttika badi 7 budhavāra Surwāyā (Shivpuri). 23 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the excavation of a well (vāpī) and the laying out of a garden (vāṭikā) by rāṇaka Cāciga, dharmaputra of the Yajvapāla king Gopāla and servant of Gaṇapati. Cāciga was of the Lubdhaka family (i.e. Lodhā). Composed by Māthura kāyastha Jayasiṁha, son of Lohaṭa and written by Mahārāja. Now in the collection of the Archaeological Museum, Gwalior.
INIG1348a Surwāyā Inscription of VS 1348a
INIG1348a caitra sudi 8 gurudine puṣyanakṣatre Surwāyā (Shivpuri). Recovered from a tank. 33 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the construction of a tank (vāpikā) by ṭhakkur Vāmana in the time of Gaṇapati, son of Gopāla. Praises the city of Mathurā from whence the kāyasthas originated. Composed by Somamiśra, son of Somadhara, written by Mahārāja, son of Somarāja, and incised by Devasiṁha, son of Mādhava.
IN00181 Ajanta Cave 4 Image Inscription
OB00106 Mathura Buddha Image of GE 230
OB00102 Toshām तोशाम (Haryana). Monastic site and rock face with inscriptions

Toshām, Haryana. Waterfall and site of the Vaiṣṇava residence (āvasatha).