OB00186 Ganj Slab of Vyaghradeva

Author: Anon.

Ancient Vidarbha and neighbouring regions showing find-spots of Vākāṭaka inscriptions. (Zenodo © Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science).

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 29, 2019
IN00200 Ganj Inscription of Vyaghradeva

Author: Dániel Balogh

The Ganj stone inscription was located in 1919 by Rakhaladas Banerji. The inscription is inscribed on a loose slab lying close to the ruins of a structure which could possibly be a dam at the village of Ganj. The inscription is identical to the one found earlier at Nachnā-kī-talāi (IN00199). The inscription records the meritorious action of Vyāghradeva who is described in the inscription as meditating upon the feet of Pṛthivīṣeṇa. It is not been definitively proven whether the inscriptions refer to Pṛthivīṣeṇa I or Pṛthivīṣeṇa II. It is assumed that Vyāghradeva was a feudatory or officer under the Pṛthivīṣeṇa mentioned in the inscription.

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019