OB00153 Indore Incomplete Plates of Pravarasena II

Author: Anon.

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
February 1, 2019
IN00166 Indore Incomplete Charter of Pravarasena II

Author: Dániel Balogh

The charter records the donation of the village of Viśākhārya-vāṭaka located to the north of Āramāka, to Viśākhārya’s son Goṇḍārya and his sons Manorathārya, Govārya, Devārya, Bāppārya, Kumārārya and Droṇārya who lived in the village of Āramāka. The donation was granted by Pravarasena II and the Merchant Chandra in the 23rd year of Pravarasena II reign. According the Shastri the charter is interesting for a number of reasons – first there are numerous mistakes in the engraving and secondly because it appears that the charter is merely formalising an earlier grant, perhaps to Viśākhārya and confirming the donation to his son and grandsons.

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019