Inscription of Hariraja on a seated bronze Buddha in the British Museum

Icchāwar (Uttar Pradesh). Inscription of Harirāja on the pedestal of a seated Buddha now in the collection of the British Museum.
Gupta epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
May 31, 2020
IN00181 Ajanta Cave 4 Image Inscription
Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00101 Khura Inscription of Toramana
IN00101 Khurā (Urdu: كهُوڑه) Inscription of the the Alchon Hūṇa king Toramāṇa recording the gift (deyadharma) of a Buddhist monastery (vihāra) to the Mahīśāsaka school.
Gupta epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 4, 2019