INCH0006 Bodhgaya stone slab with a seated Buddha, Marici and a fragmentary Chinese inscription
INCH0006 Bodhgayā stone slab with a seated Buddha, Mārīcī and a fragmentary Chinese inscription (INCH0006). For an edition 栢本泰生. (2019). ボードガヤー出土の10~11 世紀漢文石刻資料と 訪天僧の奉獣品. (see CONCORDANCE).
OBCH0003 Bodhgaya stele with a Chinese inscription dated CE 1022.
OBCH0003 Bodhgaya stele with a Chinese inscription (INCH0003).
INCH0003 Bodhgaya stele with a Chinese inscription dated CE 1022
INCH0003 Bodhgayā stele (OBCH0003) with a Chinese inscription date CE 1022. Working edition (01/2021).
OBCH0001 Bodhgayā stone stele with a Chinese inscription dated CE 1021-22
Bodhgayā (बोधगया, often Bodh Gaya, Bihār).
Bodhgayā stone stele (OBCH0001) with a Chinese inscription (INCH0001) dated CE 1021-22.
INCH0001 Bodhgaya stone stele inscription in Chinese dated CE 1021-22
Bodhgayā stone stele (OBCH0001) inscription (INCH0001) written in Chinese and dated CE 1021-22.
INCH0002 Bodhgaya stone stele with a Chinese inscription of the Song dynasty dated 1022 CE
Bodhgayā stone stele (OBCH0002) with a Chinese inscription (INCH0002) of the Song dynasty dated 1022 CE. Working edition (01/2021)
OBCH0002 Bodhgayā stone stele with a Chinese inscription dated 1022 CE
Bodhgayā (बोधगया, often Bodh Gaya, Bihār).
Stone stele (OBCH0002) with Chinese inscription (INCH0002) of the Song dynasty dated 1022 CE.
OBCH0005 Bodhgayā stone slab with the seven Buddhas, Maitreya and a Chinese inscription
Bodhgayā (बोधगया, often Bodh Gaya, Bihār).
Stone slab (OBCH0005) with the seven Buddhas (saptatathāgata 過去七仏) and Maitreya (弥勒仏), inscribed with a Chinese inscription (INCH0005) mentioning the figures, and the monks from China who commissioned the sculpture. Now in the Indian Museum, Kolkata.
INCH0004 Bodhgaya Chinese inscription of Huaiwen dated CE 1033 in the second mingdao year of the Song emperor Zhenzong
Bodhgayā (बोधगया Bihār). Chinese inscription of Huaiwen dated in the second year of 明道 Míngdào (CE 1033) of the Song emperor 真宗 Zhēnzōng. Edition here that of Chavannes (1896), see Concordance for bibliographic data. Working edition (02/2021).
[top portion]:
1. 大宋皇帝
2. 皇太后為
3. 太宗皇帝
4. 建塔壹座
[main text: 1.] 大宋
[2.] 聖文睿武仁明孝德皇帝.
[3.] 應元宗德仁壽慈聖皇太后.謹遣僧懷問.詣摩伽陀
[4.] 國奉為資薦
[5.] 太宗至仁應道神功聖德文武睿烈大明廣孝皇帝.
[6.] 於金剛座側.建塔一座.
[7.] 太宗皇帝伏願.高步 天宮.親承
[8.] 佛記書證. 真仙之位常居.
[9.] 釋梵之尊誕錫. 威靈永隆
[10.] 基業時明道二年.歲次癸酉.正月十九日記. 丙 日予