OBBG0003d Bodhgayā railing pillar with Kuraṃgī inscription
Bodhgayā, Bihār. Railing pillar of vedikā with upper relief depicting devotee worshipping the vajrāsana, flying creature putting a garland on the Bodhi tree, and pathway-like structure, presumably the caṅkramaṇa. Photograph by Vishi Upadhyay.
Bodhgayā epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
June 20, 2020
OBBG0003c Bodhgayā railing pillar with Kuraṃgī inscription

Bodhgayā, Bihār. Railing pillar of vedikā with relief depicting elephants worshipping the Bodhi tree. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
Bodhgayā epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
June 19, 2020