INIG1251b Gwalior Inscription of VS 1251b
INIG1251b bhādrapada badi 15 budhavāra Gwalior fort (Gwalior). In the bed of Gaṅgolā tāl. 6 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Records that king Ajayapāla Kacchapaghāta arranged for the desilting of the tank; written by Vīrapāla son of Keśava.
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
October 23, 2019
INIG1249 Naresar Inscription of VS 1249
INIG1249 mārgaśīrṣa śudi 2 śanivāra Naresar (Morena). On an image. 2 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions the making of the image by Vāmadeva, styled Doḍhakṣetrapāla, in the reign of Ajayapāla.
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
October 23, 2019
INIG1177a Indor Inscription of VS 1177

Indor (District Guna). Hero-stone pillar inscription of VS 1177 (INIG1177a)
Malwa epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
October 19, 2019