Singhpur stepwell inscription of VS 1535/1479 CE

Singhpur (Ashoknagar). Stepwell inscription dated VS 1535 (© Saarthak Singh)
Singhpur (Ashoknagar). Inscription in the Rājmatī stepwell recording the construction of the stepwell by Rājamatī, the daughter of Bhairavadāsa who was the son of Uvāra, the son of Chajjala of Sirohanagara. Gives the details of the gifts and donations made to Rājamatī by several rulers, namely Sher Khān of Chanderi, Ghiyās al-Dīn of Māḍai (i.e. Ghiyāth al-Dīn of Māndū, reg. 1469-1500), Husayn Shāh (reg. 1458-79) of Jauṇapura (i.e. Jaunpur), Barbak Shāh (reg. 1459–74) of Pandua, Sultān (name not given) of Ḍhili (i.e. Delhi), Tughluq Shāh of Thatta [presumably a reference to Jam Tughluq (d. 1442) of the Samma dynasty], Qutb al-Din of Gujarāt [presumably Qutb al-Dīn being applied anachronistically to Maḥmūd Begada, reg. 1458-1511], the Bahmani Sultān (name not given) of Vidara (i.e. Bidar). Also mentions Rājamatī’s son named Rāmacandra who was a mahākavi and a favourite (?) of Ghiyās al-Dīn and Nāsir al-Dīn. The pradhāna was Devidāsa and the masons were Vu(Bu)rahāmatasuṣu(khu), Mūla and others. The writer was Guṇasudara.
INIG1555 Rakhetra rock-cut inscription of VS 1555
INIG1555 Rakhterā (रखतेरा or Rakhetrā, Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh). Rock-cut inscription of VS 1555 above foot prints near a large rock-cut image of Ādinātha at the site known as Bhiyāṃdāṃt. Working transcription (01/2019)
[line 1] saṃvat 1555 varṣe phāguṇa-sudi 2 śukra-vāsare revatī-nakṣatre mālavaka-deśe kṣa-
[line 2] laj[ī]-vaṃśe suritrāṇa gyāsu[d]īna-vijaya-rāj[ye]…
[line 3] śrī vinaya [?śeraṣā-pratāpe śrī rājamaṇe śrī malayacaṃdasūri ś[iṣya]° u[pādhyāya]° [ke]śarva-
[line 4] (ddha) śi[ṣya]° u[pādhyāya]° śrī mānikasuṃdara śi[ṣya]° u[pādhyāya]° śrī viśālarājasya pādukā kā-
[line 5] (rāvitā) śi[ṣya]° munirājena śreyas tu[leṇa] ra(ṇaśvata) 1111 ii ra | (sākṣāt) ||