INIG1223 Gudrī Inscription of VS 12223
INIG1223 āṣāḍha śudi 2 budhavāra Gudrī (Shivpuri). On a slab in a niche in a Jaina temple. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, corrupt Sanskrit. Purport not clear; mentions sādhu Ratna.
INIG1220 Chanderi Inscription of VS 1220
INIG1220 Chanderi (Guna). On a caturmukha built into a platform near the chatrī, Khandhārgiri digambarjainkṣetra. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Partly buried; available portion refers to the disciple (name lost) of Siddhānta Bhīmadeva of Kuṁdakuṁdānvaya and Devasaṁgha.
INIG1210c Pachrāi Inscription of VS 1210c
INIG1210c Pachrāi (Shivpuri). On a Jaina image. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, corrupt Sanskrit. Records the perpetual obeisance of Sā[dki?], the son of Pālhū, and sādhu Mahipattī, the son of sādhu Sāḍula.
INIG1160 Gowalior Fort Inscription of VS 1160
INIG1160 kārttika śudi 13 guruvāra Gwalior fort (Gwalior). On the Sās Bahū temple near the door of the sanctum. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Damaged; seems to record some construction by a certain Mahindu. The writer was Ratana.
INIG1132b Bhadia Inscription of VS 1132b
INIG1132b Bhadia Khoh (Guna). Find spot not recorded. Number of lines not recorded, nāgarī, local dialect. In line 2 mentions some mahāpradhāna; purport unclear.
INIG1100 Budhi Chanderi Inscription of VS 1100
INIG1100 Budhi Chanderi (Guna). On a slab kept in the sculpture shed at Chanderi. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Records a praśasti of the Śaiva ācārya Prabodhaśiva, the disciple of another ascetic (name lost) who belonged to the lineage of the Śaiva ascetic Dharmaśambhu. Composed by Daśaratha.
INIG1086 Chanderi Inscription of VS 1086
INIG1086 …śudi 11 Chanderi (Guna). On the pedestal of a broken image near the rest house in the fort. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Appears to record the making of the image; mentions a certain sha(kha)trī Ratanadeva. A Garuḍa figure is carved in the middle of the inscription.
INIG964 Budhi Chanderi Inscription of VS 964
INIG964 Jyaiṣṭha śu… Budhi Chanderi (Guna). On a stone slab (stored in sculpture shed at Chanderi). Number of lines not given, early nāgarī, local dialect. Mentions the names of a number of persons such as Chīchu, Kesava, Rāula, etc.
INIG335 Sonāgir inscription of VS 335
INIG335 pauṣa śudi, Sonāgir (Datia). On a slab in a temple (number 57). Number of lines not given, nāgarī, local
dialect. Records that according to an old inscription the temple of Candranātha, originally built in
the year 335, was renovated in the 12th century, apparently by the brothers Śravaṇasena and
Kanakasena of Balātkāragaṇa and Mūlasaṃgha. In late characters.