IN00166 Indore Incomplete Charter of Pravarasena II

Author: Dániel Balogh

The charter records the donation of the village of Viśākhārya-vāṭaka located to the north of Āramāka, to Viśākhārya’s son Goṇḍārya and his sons Manorathārya, Govārya, Devārya, Bāppārya, Kumārārya and Droṇārya who lived in the village of Āramāka. The donation was granted by Pravarasena II and the Merchant Chandra in the 23rd year of Pravarasena II reign. According the Shastri the charter is interesting for a number of reasons – first there are numerous mistakes in the engraving and secondly because it appears that the charter is merely formalising an earlier grant, perhaps to Viśākhārya and confirming the donation to his son and grandsons.

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00165 Indore Charter Preamble of a Vakataka Ruler

Author: Dániel Balogh

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00164 Riddhapur Charter of Prabhavatigupta

Author: Dániel Balogh

This charter records the donation of a field ‘only for enjoyment’, a farm house and four residences of ploughmen in the administrative division of Kośika. The donation was made to the Brāhmaṇas of the Taittirīya śākhā of the Black Yajurveda and Parāśara gotra by Prabhāvatī Guptā in the 19th year of Pravarasena II’s reign. The charter includes reference to Prabhāvatī Guptā’s Gupta lineage alongside that of her Vākāṭaka heritage. The charter also includes a reference to Prabhāvatī Guptā’s two sons, both of whom were rulers Dāmodarasena and Pravarasena II (Shastri 1997: 21-23).

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00163 Siwani Charter of Pravarasena II

Author: Dániel Balogh

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00162 Camak Charter of Pravarasena II

Author: Dániel Balogh

The inscription, incised on seven plates and with an attached seal, records the donation of the village of Carmāṅkā (the modern चामक) by Pravarasena II at the request of Koṇḍarāja. The donation was given to 1,000 Brāhmānas of various sects and schools, and the charter lists 49 of these donees by name. The charter was issued in the 18th year of Pravarasena II reign.


Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00157 Jamb Charter of Pravarasena II

Author: Dániel Balogh

Copper plate charter of Pravarasena II found at the village of Jāmb.


Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00156 Pune Charter of Prabhavatigupta

Author: Dániel Balogh

The charter records the donation of the village Uṅguṇa (or Daṅguṇa) to Chanālasvāmin by Prabhāvatī Guptā during the 13th year of her reign as Regent for her minor son. The charter was issued from Nāndivardhana, the modern Nandardhan or Nāgardhan near Ramtek.

Community: Vākāṭaka epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 18, 2019
IN00134 Kotalipada Charter of the Time of Dvadasaditya

Author: Dániel Balogh

Community: Gupta epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 11, 2019
IN00133 Nandapur Charter of GE 169

Author: Dániel Balogh

Community: Gupta epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 11, 2019
IN00132 Mallasarul Charter of Vijayasena

Author: Dániel Balogh

Community: Gupta epigraphy
Uploaded on November 6, 2017
January 11, 2019