OBBG0003a Bodhgayā railing pillar with Kuraṃgī inscription

Bodhgayā, Bihār. Railing pillar of vedikā with relief depicting the caṅkramaṇa or Buddha’s cloister walk. Photograph by Serena Biondo.
INBG0003a Bodhgaya donative inscription of Kurangi on railing pillar
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Donative inscription of the noble lady Kuraṃgī (INBG0003a) on a railing pillar of vedikā (OBBG0003a). Edition here that of Tsukamoto (1996), see Concordance for bibliographic data.
OBBG0002a Bodhgayā pillar base of the caṅkramaṇa or Budhha’s cloister walk

Bodhgayā, Bihār. The so-called caṅkramaṇa or Buddha’s cloister walk on the northern side of the Mahābodhi temple at Bodhgayā. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
INBG0002a Bodhgaya letter ‘a’ inscribed on pillar base of the Buddha’s cloister walk
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Brāhmī letter ‘a’ (INBG0002a) on the base of one of pillars of the so-called caṅkramaṇa or Buddha’s cloister walk (OBBG0002a). See Concordance for bibliographic data.
OBBG0002b Bodhgayā pillar base of the caṅkramaṇa or Budhha’s cloister walk

Bodhgayā, Bihār. The so-called caṅkramaṇa or Buddha’s cloister walk on the northern side of the Mahābodhi temple at Bodhgayā. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
OBBG00018 Bodhgayā seated Buddha with an inscription dated year 64

OBBG00018 Bodhgayā, Bihār. Sandstone image of seated Buddha with inscription dated year 64, now in the Indian Museum, Kolkata. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
INBG00018 Bodhgaya inscription of year 64 on the pedestal of a seated Buddha
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Inscription (INBG00018) on the pedestal of a sandstone Buddha image (OBBG00018). Provisional edition by Dániel Balogh, see Concordance for bibliographic data.
OBBG0001 Bodhgayā stone slab with vajrāsana inscription

OBBG0001 Bodhgayā, Bihār. The so-called vajrāsana or diamond throne under the Bodhi tree at the Mahābodhi temple in Bodhgayā. Photograph by Daniela De Simone.
OBPYU16 Socle of Kan Wet Khaung Mound Stone Buddha Image

Sri Ksetra, Myanmar. Yahanda gate and Baw Baw Gyi stūpa (Wikimapia).

Seated Buddha from the Kan Wet Gaung Gon, near the southern side of the Baw Baw Gyi stūpa. Sriksetra Museum 2013/1/48.
INBG0001 Bodhgaya vajrasana inscription on stone slab
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Inscription (INBG0001) on the narrow edges of the upper surface of a sandstone slab, the so-called vajrasāna (OBBG0001). Edition here that of Balogh in De Simone et al. (2020), see Concordance for bibliographic data.