INIG1086 Chanderi Inscription of VS 1086
INIG1086 …śudi 11 Chanderi (Guna). On the pedestal of a broken image near the rest house in the fort. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Appears to record the making of the image; mentions a certain sha(kha)trī Ratanadeva. A Garuḍa figure is carved in the middle of the inscription.
INIG1082 Tongra Inscription of VS 1082
INIG1082 [bhadrapada ?] badi 5 Tongrā (Shivpuri).On an image of Nṛsiṃha. 17 lines, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Describes the construction of a Viṣṇu temple; damaged. Now in the Archaeological Museum, Gwalior.
INIG1078 Radev Inscription of VS 1078
INIG1078 Radev (Sheopur). On an image of Śāntinātha. 1 line, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Not legible.
INIG1072 Sandor Inscription of VS 1072
INIG1072 Sandor (Guna). On a memorial pillar. Number of lines not given, nāgarī, Sanskrit.
INIG1055 Thūban Inscription of VS 1055
INIG1055 Thūban (Guna). On a slab in a wall of a house. 14 lines, nāgarī, Sanskrit. Records that when Harirāja of Pratīhāra family was ruling the earth, a temple of Janārdanavāsudeva was constructed by Keśava, son of Moṭṭaṇa and Māhaṭa, grandson of Jayasvāmin and great-grandson of Śūrasvāmin of Garga family.
INIG1038 Gwalior Inscription of VS 1038
INIG1038 Vaiśākha śudi 5 Gwalior (?) (Gwalior). Fragmentary stone inscription. 25 lines, nāgāri, Sanskrit. Gives the genealogy of a Nanda clan as follows: Madhava, Gugga, Jūbhila, Kakkuka and Vacchilla. Records that Gugga was a minister of the Kacchapas (i.e. Kacchapaghatas) and that Kakkuka and probably also Vacchilla were responsible for a number of works, notably wells, tanks, a pond and a temple of Visvamurtti surrounded by twelve other shrines.
Now in the Archaeological Museum, Gwalior.
INIG1034 Sihoniyā Inscription of VS 1034
INIG1034 Sihoniyā (Morena). On a Jaina sculpture. 2 lines, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Second line obliterated; mentions
mahārājādhirāja Vajradāman (Kacchapaghāta).
INIG1013 Sihoniyā Inscription of VS 1013
INIG1013 Sihoniyā (Morena). On the pedestal of a Jaina figure (near Ambikādevī temple). 1 line, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions Mahendracandra.
INIG999 Rakhetra Inscription of VS 999
INIG999 āśvina badi 30, Rakhetra (Guna). Rock inscription. 5 lines, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions irrigation works on the river Urvaśī (modern Urra) provided by Vināyakapāladeva; also mentions the gopagirīndra but this person is not named; written by Bhailadaman son of śrī Kṛṣṇarāja The inscription also carries the date 1000 bhādrapada śudi 3.
INIG970 Bakhtar Inscription of VS 970
INIG970 Bakhtar (Guna). On the Mahādev temple. 8 lines, old nāgarī, Sanskrit. Mentions a pilgrim of noble lineage.