Patan Bahilitole Water Tank
Aater tank attached to a wall in Bahilitole/ Bhwaginanitol, Pātan.
Patan Bahilitole Water Tank Inscription
Fragment of an inscription incised on a water tank and attached to a wall in Bahilitole/ Bhwaginanitol, Pātan.
Bankali Pedestal
Pedestal of an image of Goddess Ban Kāli found near Paśupatinath, Kathmandu. Date illegible.
Bankali Pedestal Inscription
Inscription carved on the pedestal of an image of Goddess Ban Kāli found near Paśupatinath, Kathmandu. Date illegible.
Bhimsen Temple Stele
Inscription incised on a slab of stone that has been found standing in front of the Bhimsen temple in Pātan Durbar Square. The inscription is almost illegible but the characters seem to belong to Aṃśuvarman’s time.
Bhimsen Temple Stele Inscription
Inscription incised on a slab of stone that has been found standing in front of the Bhimsen temple in Pātan Durbar Square. The inscription is almost illegible but the characters seem to belong to Aṃśuvarman’s time.
Kisipidi Lacci tole Slab of Stone
Inscription caved on a slab of stone standing in Lacci tole, Kisipidi. The date is missing.
Kisipidi Lacci tole Stone Inscription
Inscription caved on a slab of stone standing in Lacci tole, Kisipidi. The date is missing.
Gucca Tole Slab of Stone
Slab of stone found in Guccha tole, Otu, Kathmandu, in a square near the image of Mṛtyuñjaya.
Gucca Tole Stone Inscription
Inscription carved on a slab of stone standing near an image of Mṛtyuñjaya, in Gucca Tole, Otu, Kathmandu. The top of the stone is damaged.