INIG1342b Sakarra Inscription of VS 1342b
INIG1342b Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 8 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions Rāmadeva.
INIG1341d Sesaī Buzurg Inscription of VS 1341d
INIG1341d pauṣa badi 1 somavāra Sesaī Buzurg (Shivpuri). On a satī stone. 12 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions the death of rā˚ (rāuta) Malayadeva and his two wives in a cattle stealing incident during the time of mahārājādhirāja Gopāla during the administration of mahākumāra Jaitravarman. The name of the village is given as Sesaigrāma.
INIG1341a Sakarra Inscription of VS 1341a
INIG1341a Jyaiṣṭha śudi 4 śanivāra Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 11 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions the name Rāmadeva.
INIG1340a Narwar Inscription of VS 1340a
INIG1340a Narwar (Shivpuri). On a slab in the wall of a house. 3 lines, old nāgarī, Hindi. Not legible.
INIG1319b Pachrāi Inscription of VS 1319b
INIG1319b Pachrāi (Shivpuri). On a satī stone to the east of the village. 8 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Damaged and not legible.
INIG1304g Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304g
INIG1304g Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Not legible.
INIG1304f Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304f
INIG1304f Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 5 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Not legible.
INIG1304e Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304e
INIG1304e śravaṇa badi 6 Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Purport not given.
INIG1304d Sakarra Inscription of VS 1304d
INIG1304d śravaṇa badi 6 maṅgalavāra Sakarra (Guna). On a satī stone. 4 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions the name Kuṁvarsiṁha.
INIG1304c Bakhtar Inscription of VS 1304c
INIG1304c Bakhtar (Guna). On a satī stone. 5 lines, nāgarī, Hindi. Mentions Cāhaḍa and Āsalla.