Discovered for scholarship by H.C.P. Bell in September 1897, the inscription is cut into the surface of the rock near the crest of a ridge at Mōlāhiṭiyavelēgala, a low reach of rock running East–West in parallel with the Dim̆bulāgala hills, about ten miles to the south-east of Poḷonnaruva. Four inscriptions, including the present record, are engraved at the termination of two long parallel lines in the rock, possibly marking a “procession path”.


The present record refers to another inscription, which is incised directly above it. The two inscriptions are surrounded by a decorative frame and it is clear that they are intended to be read together. The upper inscription (IN03118) records that king Abaya donated a canal to the monks residing in the Pilipavata monastery. The lower inscription (i.e. the present record)  records the confirmation of this donation by king Naka. Senarath Paranavitana identified Abaya and Naka – the two kings mentioned in these records – with, respectively, Bhātika Abhaya (r. 20 B.C.–A.D. 9) and his younger brother and successor Mahānāga, surnamed Mahādāṭhika (r. A.D. 9–21).

[line 1] Naka Maharaje dine sagasa [II*]
[line 1] Naka Maharaje dine sagasa [II*]