The inscription is engraved on two fragments of a broken pillar, which were found lying amidst a heap of debris on the pavement about midway between the western and southern altars of the Ruvanväli-sǟya in Anuradhapura, a few yards from the stone votive dāgäba. In all probability, the pillar belonged to one of the many small shrines which once stood on the spacious platform where the fragments were found. The inscription records the gift of the pillar by an individual (or individuals) from the town of Mahila. It is dated in the reign of king Buddhadāsa (341–370 A.D.).
[line 1] .. .. .. [Siri] Meka Jeṭatisa Maharaja Apayaha puta Budadasa Maha-sena Mahara-
[line 2] .. .. .. .. [Ma]hilaka ṇakaraka Sumanayaha puta Mahilaka ṇakaraka Sivayaha Makalka ṇakaraka
[line 3] .. .. .. .. .. jitra Kama[Ia] Aba karavika ṭabi [II*]
Sava-satan⸗aṭa peta anumovatu [II*]
Mapurumakah⸗aṭa veḍa vayu [II*]
[line 1] .. .. .. [Siri] Meka Jeṭatisa Maharaja Apayaha puta Budadasa Maha-sena Mahara-
[line 2] .. .. .. .. [Ma]hilaka ṇakaraka Sumanayaha puta Mahilaka ṇakaraka Sivayaha Makalka ṇakaraka
[line 3] .. .. .. .. .. jitra Kama[Ia] Aba karavika ṭabi [II*]
Sava-satan⸗aṭa peta anumovatu [II*]
Mapurumakah⸗aṭa veḍa vayu [II*]