The inscription is engraved on a smooth raised panel on the roof of a cave in the scarp near the summit of the north-westerly side of Dim̆bulā-gala (referred to in the text as Dum̆bulā-gala), a range of hills about ten miles to the south-east of Poḷonnaruva or sixty miles from Anurādhapura in the same direction. The Archaeological Commissioner, H. C. P. Bell, recorded the inscription during his exploration of the locality in September 1897. The text seems to be complete but its unusual ending raises the possibility that it is in fact continued on other nearby panels. Consisting of seven lines, the inscription records that Sundara-mahādevī, the chief queen of Vikrama-Bāhu I and the mother of Gaja-Bāhu II, caused the construction of a road at Dum̆bulā-gala between Sanda-maha-leṇa (the great Moon-cave) and Hiru-maha-leṇa (the great Sun-cave); that she had it paved with stone and had also cave temples built with statues, dāgabas, and sacred bodhi trees; and that she further testifies to a certain benefaction which she had made to Demaḷǟ-pähä.


The text gives the date of this benefaction as the twenty-seventh year after the coronation of Jaya-Bāhu I. However, as Wickremasinghe points out, Jaya-Bāhu I’s reign is believed to have lasted considerably less than twenty-seven years: he ascended to the throne in 1110 and was deposed the following year by his nephew Vikkrama-Bāhu I. The latter reigned for a number of years before being succeeded in 1132 by his son Gaja-Bāhu II, who in turn ruled until 1153. By this chronology, the twenty-seventh year after Jaya-Bāhu’s coronation would have been around 1137, when his great-nephew Gaja-Bāhu II was on the throne. Wickremasinghe therefore dates the present inscription to Gaja-Bāhu II’s reign. Assuming this interpretation is correct, it is highly curious that the inscription’s date should be given from the coronation of a deposed (and by this point deceased) king.


[line 1] Okā-vas-raja-kulen nipan Sudonā-parapuren ā Hiru-got-kulen abhinna-vū rū-sirin Siri
[line 2] dinū (de-)voṭunu mä(ndä upa)n Vikum̆bā-nirindu-haṭa aga mehesun-vä Gaja-Bāhu-devayan vädū,
[line 3] Sundara-mahadevīn-vahanse pansiyak maha-san̆ganaṭa āvāsa-vū apa muni-rajahu siruru-
[line 4] dā pihiṭi Dum̆bulā-galä Sanda-maha-leṇin Hi(ri)-maha-leṇa de-aturehi man̆ga duṇu evu (dama elī yana minisu-)
[line 5] (-nge duka balā) gal hasvā man̆ga pavat koṭa le(ṇä) piḷima dāgab maha-bo pihiṭuvā Kalin̆gu-le-
[line 6] -ṇa (yäy nam tabā Jaya-)Bāhu-vat-himiyan-vahanse sat-visi-vana havu-rudu Posonä pura po-
[line 7] -hoyä Demaḷǟ-pähä siri-kusalān karavā yā-bat pudanu-koṭa lov pavatnā tāk kalaṭa dun bavaṭa Sundara-mahadevīmu.
[line 1] Okā-vas-raja-kulen nipan Sudonā-parapuren ā Hiru-got-kulen abhinna-vū rū-sirin Siri
[line 2] dinū (de-)voṭunu mä(ndä upa)n Vikum̆bā-nirindu-haṭa aga mehesun-vä Gaja-Bāhu-devayan vädū,
[line 3] Sundara-mahadevīn-vahanse pansiyak maha-san̆ganaṭa āvāsa-vū apa muni-rajahu siruru-
[line 4] dā pihiṭi Dum̆bulā-galä Sanda-maha-leṇin Hi(ri)-maha-leṇa de-aturehi man̆ga duṇu evu (dama elī yana minisu-)
[line 5] (-nge duka balā) gal hasvā man̆ga pavat koṭa le(ṇä) piḷima dāgab maha-bo pihiṭuvā Kalin̆gu-le-
[line 6] -ṇa (yäy nam tabā Jaya-)Bāhu-vat-himiyan-vahanse sat-visi-vana havu-rudu Posonä pura po-
[line 7] -hoyä Demaḷǟ-pähä siri-kusalān karavā yā-bat pudanu-koṭa lov pavatnā tāk kalaṭa dun bavaṭa Sundara-mahadevīmu.