OBCH0005 Bodhgayā stone slab with the seven Buddhas, Maitreya and a Chinese inscription
Bodhgayā (बोधगया, often Bodh Gaya, Bihār).
Stone slab (OBCH0005) with the seven Buddhas (saptatathāgata 過去七仏) and Maitreya (弥勒仏), inscribed with a Chinese inscription (INCH0005) mentioning the figures, and the monks from China who commissioned the sculpture. Now in the Indian Museum, Kolkata.
INBG00016 Bodhgaya gandhakuti inscription on a coping stone
Bodhgayā (बोधगया), Bihār. Inscription (INBG00016) on the inner side of a coping stone of the vedikā (OBBG00016) recording an endowment for offerings made in the gaṃdhakuṭī (“the perfumed chamber of the Buddha”, i.e. the sanctum of the Mahābodhi temple). Edition here that of Tsukamoto 1996 (based on Bloch 1912), see Concordance for bibliographic data.
OBCH0004 Bodhgaya stone stele with a Chinese inscription dated CE 1033
Bodhgayā (बोधगया, often Bodh Gaya, Bihār).
Stone stele with Chinese inscription dated in the second year of 明道 Míngdào (CE 1033) of the Song emperor 真宗 Zhēnzōng.